This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other EuroFIR AISBL events.
FoodCASE User Group

Joanna Czach & Anna Żołynia, Premotec GmbH – CH; Sidney Tomé – INSA – PT.

Lunch Break
Protein Discussion Group – Redefining Protein Content in FCDBs

Larissa Pferdmenges, MRI – DE

Coffee break
Fibre terminology and international cooperation

Shavawn Forester & Emily Jennings-Dobbs (Nutrition Institute, US)

Scientific presentations

09:00-09:40 Food Waste Management – ILVO’s Initiatives
Bart Van Droogenbroeck, ILVO – BE

09:40-10:20 Data4Food2030
Pia Groenewolt, VUB - BE

10:20-10:40- Coffee Break

10:40-11:10 Assessing Israeli Exposure to Food Additives through Collaborative Strategies
Naomi Fliss Isakov, MOH - IL

11:10-11:40 TABULA new food database Spain
Marina Redruello CEU Institute for Food and Society – ES

11:40-12:10 Branded food composition data
Maria Kapsokefalou, AUA – EL

12:00-12:15 Open Discussion

Lunch break
Future Food Composition

13:15-13:45 Environmental indices
Marcel Tyszler/ Michela van Kampen, Blonk Consultants – NL

13:45-14:15 African Food Composition Data & Community
Hettie Schönfeldt, University of Pretoria – ZA

14:15-14:45 Updating the eBASIS and need for new data evaluators
Pedro Cardenas-Canto, Maria Traka, Paul Finglas, (QIB, UK)

14:45-15:30 Future updating of Food composition data and access for users
Joanna Czach and Anna Zolynia (Premotec, CH)

Coffee break
EuroFIR 15th General Assembly

Paul Finglas, Siân Astley, Sidonie Pauchet, EuroFIR

Reception for EuroFIR members